Studland Bay Marine Partnership

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The Studland Bay Marine Partnership (SBMP) brings together stakeholders including conservation and boating organisations, academics, community groups and supporting local businesses. Formed to find a solution that meets the needs of the public and recreational boaters to continue to enjoy the bay, whilst protecting and restoring the sensitive seagrass habitat at Studland within the Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) and Voluntary No Anchor Zone (VNAZ).

What's happening now and how to pledge your support

22 distinctive yellow marker buoys along the seaward perimeter of the Voluntary No Anchor Zone have now been installed by the Ocean Conservation Trust following licensing from the MMO and with Natural England supporting the methodology. This makes the VNAZ boundary extremely visible to all water borne visitors to the bay and highlights when you are entering the sensitive seagrass habitat.

To ensure boaters do not attempt to moor to a marker buoy which is not designed for this purpose, this is clarified on top of each marker buoy.

We are also installing signage telling the story of Studland in the Poole Harbour area at marinas and slipways for visitors and boat users.

Look for the location code tags on the pickup lines. Yellow stickers - 10 tonne. Blue stickers - 5 tonne.

Deployment of the existing eco-moorings and the additional new 57 commenced on 8 April 2024 has brought the total available to 87 in the bay with install now complete. Whilst we aimed for installation by Easter, we are reliant on good weather and visibility to ensure install, particularly of the large helical screws by the dive team. We hope that all boaters will respect the VNAZ, use the eco-moorings now installed - and then of course enjoy the rest of the boating season 2024. All eco-moorings are subject to insurance compliance, for details please see the FAQs.

Boat users, who benefit themselves and the seagrass by using an eco-mooring, can forward their mooring fee of £10 for up to a 24 hour stay this year via the simple to use Sippi Mooring App and we recommend downloading the app prior to your first use of the eco-moorings. The SBMP is not-for-profit and all funds raised support the project. Step by Step Guide to Pay to Moor If you experience any problems using the Sippi app please provide your feedback to the SBMP.

If you'd like further details on the mooring fee scheme, questions on the installation, are interested in joining the partnership or becoming a corporate sponsor helping us to protect Studland's precious seagrass habitats for generations to come, please contact us.

One of the helical screws installed on 8 May 2024 attached to the rode which ensures the mechanism floats above the seagrass Credit Apex Diving & Marine

New for 2024 - our donation page kindly supported by the National Trust: Donate to the Studland Bay appeal

The MMO has now updated their dedicated webpage for Studland Bay with details on the 2023 survey MMO Studland Bay

The Studland Bay Marine Partnership (SBMP) brings together stakeholders including conservation and boating organisations, academics, community groups and supporting local businesses. Formed to find a solution that meets the needs of the public and recreational boaters to continue to enjoy the bay, whilst protecting and restoring the sensitive seagrass habitat at Studland within the Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) and Voluntary No Anchor Zone (VNAZ).

What's happening now and how to pledge your support

22 distinctive yellow marker buoys along the seaward perimeter of the Voluntary No Anchor Zone have now been installed by the Ocean Conservation Trust following licensing from the MMO and with Natural England supporting the methodology. This makes the VNAZ boundary extremely visible to all water borne visitors to the bay and highlights when you are entering the sensitive seagrass habitat.

To ensure boaters do not attempt to moor to a marker buoy which is not designed for this purpose, this is clarified on top of each marker buoy.

We are also installing signage telling the story of Studland in the Poole Harbour area at marinas and slipways for visitors and boat users.

Look for the location code tags on the pickup lines. Yellow stickers - 10 tonne. Blue stickers - 5 tonne.

Deployment of the existing eco-moorings and the additional new 57 commenced on 8 April 2024 has brought the total available to 87 in the bay with install now complete. Whilst we aimed for installation by Easter, we are reliant on good weather and visibility to ensure install, particularly of the large helical screws by the dive team. We hope that all boaters will respect the VNAZ, use the eco-moorings now installed - and then of course enjoy the rest of the boating season 2024. All eco-moorings are subject to insurance compliance, for details please see the FAQs.

Boat users, who benefit themselves and the seagrass by using an eco-mooring, can forward their mooring fee of £10 for up to a 24 hour stay this year via the simple to use Sippi Mooring App and we recommend downloading the app prior to your first use of the eco-moorings. The SBMP is not-for-profit and all funds raised support the project. Step by Step Guide to Pay to Moor If you experience any problems using the Sippi app please provide your feedback to the SBMP.

If you'd like further details on the mooring fee scheme, questions on the installation, are interested in joining the partnership or becoming a corporate sponsor helping us to protect Studland's precious seagrass habitats for generations to come, please contact us.

One of the helical screws installed on 8 May 2024 attached to the rode which ensures the mechanism floats above the seagrass Credit Apex Diving & Marine

New for 2024 - our donation page kindly supported by the National Trust: Donate to the Studland Bay appeal

The MMO has now updated their dedicated webpage for Studland Bay with details on the 2023 survey MMO Studland Bay

  • SBMP receives funding to deliver innovative conservation projects in Studland Bay - November 2023

    Share SBMP receives funding to deliver innovative conservation projects in Studland Bay - November 2023 on Facebook Share SBMP receives funding to deliver innovative conservation projects in Studland Bay - November 2023 on Twitter Share SBMP receives funding to deliver innovative conservation projects in Studland Bay - November 2023 on Linkedin Email SBMP receives funding to deliver innovative conservation projects in Studland Bay - November 2023 link
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    The Studland Bay Marine Partnership has been awarded £186,000 from the Marine Management Organisation’s Fisheries and Seafood Scheme to support the conservation of Studland Bay’s precious marine ecosystems. Studland Bay is home to Dorset’s most extensive seagrass meadow and provides a unique habitat for lots of important species like the Spiny Seahorse and the endangered undulate ray.

    The new funding, which has been secured following a successful funding bid with Dorset Council, will contribute to a larger £248,000 conservation project to support this special site, the wildlife that live there, and the water users who enjoy it.

    The project, which will see an additional 57 eco-moorings installed in the bay, and the continuation of the partnership’s research and monitoring programme, will be delivered by the Studland Bay Marine Partnership.

    Funds from the award will also be used to complete the formulisation of the partnership, provide more information for boat users in the Studland and Poole harbour marina areas, and continue an engagement programme, led by the Dorset Coast Forum, throughout 2024 and beyond.

  • Win for marine wildlife at Studland Bay, as the second eco-mooring installation is a success - June 2023

    Share Win for marine wildlife at Studland Bay, as the second eco-mooring installation is a success - June 2023 on Facebook Share Win for marine wildlife at Studland Bay, as the second eco-mooring installation is a success - June 2023 on Twitter Share Win for marine wildlife at Studland Bay, as the second eco-mooring installation is a success - June 2023 on Linkedin Email Win for marine wildlife at Studland Bay, as the second eco-mooring installation is a success - June 2023 link
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    The Studland Bay Marine Partnership (SBMP) are proud to announce a further win for marine wildlife and boaters alike at Studland Bay, by installing additional 21 eco-moorings. This follows the 10 that were installed in 2021. In addition, 12 existing moorings have been converted into eco-moorings (belonging to private owners) which will bring the total number installed in the bay to 43.

    The installation is possible following the successful fundraising that saw the partnership come together and raise £66,000 through a mixture of crowdfunding, corporate partners such as SEA LIFE and the SEA LIFE TRUST and THE PIG-on the beach, private individuals, and donations from organisations such as the National Trust and The Crown Estate and charities including Plastic Free North Devon. The project has benefited hugely from the support of members of the partnership, including boatfolk who have provided support facilitating the installations to date. The partnership will continue its fundraising efforts and has applied for funding to install a further 57 eco-moorings by 2024. The plan for long-term management is for the SBMP to take ownership and management responsibility for all eco-moorings, funded through daily mooring fees as well as private donations and sponsorship.

Page last updated: 16 Aug 2024, 01:18 PM